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grievance committee in Central induction policy

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The grievance committee is the committee formed during the induction process of Punjab residency program (Central Induction); after the initial scrutiny of the applications and documents.

Purpose: The purpose of this committee is to resolve the issues of candidates who were rejected or faced some kind of error during the initial scrutiny of applications and documents.

Members: It usually consists of 3 to 5 people including members from specialized Healthcare department and PITB (Punjab Information Technology Board)


  • When initial scrutiny of the applications has been done and some students receive rejection emails then the grievance committee is announced on the official website of Punjab Residency

Program and through individual emails.

  • Deadlines of committee and time schedule are also announced on the portal.
  • The venue is usually King Edward Medical University near VC office.

Who can appear: Every candidate who received a rejection email/notice must attend the committee. Important Physical presence of the candidate is mandatory (Even if candidates is from a foreign country, he/she will also appear physically)

How to attend the committee:

  • Reach the venue at the given time and ask the officials there to enter your name.
  • They will enter your name into a list.
  • All candidates appear one by one according to the list i.e. first-come, first attend basis.
  • Sometimes they email the students about a particular date. Consider that also.


  • The grievance committee solves almost all the issues except few i.e. changing preferences, extending experience, etc.
  • Always take relevant proper supporting documents with you.
  • After the grievance committee; candidates receive acceptance mail or notifications. If anyone still gets the rejection mail; that is the dead-end for him/her. He /she will apply in the next induction.

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