Fcps , Md/Ms , pmdc Past papers
Complete papers with correct answers and Explanation are only for students taking Online Class!
Our Services
FcpsWorld also provides past papers of Fcps, MD/MS and Pmdc steps.
All of these past papers have been collected from students have appeared in exams.
FcpsWorld also have leaked pool of cpsp containing over 30,000+ questions( this is available for students taking online classes)
All past papers of jcat will be uploaded till 1st October 2020.
Stay Tuned
Fcps WORLD is an initiative of group of doctors keen about health education aiming to provide high yield and conceptual education material. Fcps WORLD is result of day and night effort of our team who has worked over 15 months to compile, restructure questions from exam papers of last 16 years. All of these questions are collected and reconstructed from Facebook posts. Users get EXPLANATION along with REFERENCE of all the questions by clicking Check Button.
FcpsWorld also authored leaked pool of cpsp which contains over 30,000+ mcqs with explnation from 2006 to 2019.
How Online Class Works!
All of our videos also get recoreded. In case you miss any class you can download it and watch it later anytime via playback module.