Apply FCPS May 2022

How to Apply for Fcps February exam?
How to Apply for Cpsp February exam?

Follow Step by Step
First Exam & Application dates
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*How to Apply for FCPS Part 1 Exam*
(Watch video guideline at bottom)
Cpsp Fcps notification for May 2022 :
M.B.B.S. (B.D.S. only for FCPS-I in Dentistry) or equivalent qualification registered with Pakistan Medical & Dental Council.
One year House Job in an institution recognized by PMDC.House Job must have been completed one month before the date of examination.
Valid PMDC Registration Certificate (Duly Attested) or renewal receipt plus provisional PMDC registration certificate
Visit CPSP website: **
Click on Exam Application Form, it will lead you to this page
Then click Online examination form for Part 1 (For Pakistan, Saudia Arabia or Nepal).
Another window will be opened. Read the details by opening the relevant notification
Then click on apply to fill the form
*FCPS-I exam form has two steps*
Step 1:
Fill in the online application form
Select registration type Fresh or Repeater.
Fresh should enter PMDC No and email address.
The repeater should enter enrollment No. assigned to them in their last exam.
To confirm your email address, a verification code will be communicated at your email address.
After putting the verification code in the form given, you will be redirected to the actual form.
Complete the application form. While filling the application form, take care of Subject in which you are applying and Center for your exam. If a mistake happens in these fields, it becomes messy later on to get these changed.
After filing the form, you will get a pdf file with form # in your respective email, that will be used in step 2.
Fee is usually 15050 rupees
The form also contains a challan form, which you have to deposit in associated banks of CPSP or you can deposit in CPSP regional offices.
You can also get a Draft in the name of CPSP from any bank.
Or you can deposit online through debit card or credit card (newly introduced)
(We Guarantee Success, clear Fcps-1 in first Attempt.
Now you can join our Classes Live Stream(direct from Head Office) from anywhere, anytime using internet.)
Documents Required:
*Original/Attested Photocopies of following documents to be attached*
MBBS /BDS Degree Or Provisional Certificate of Medical College.
Valid Pakistan Medical & Dental Council Registration Certificate. In case of foreign candidates, valid registration certificate of their own country’s medical council, equated by PMDC. If the PMDC certificate is expired then along with this expired PMDC provide fee receipt for renewal of PMDC.
Certificate of One Year House Job from institutions recognized by PMDC, duly countersigned
by the head of the institution. House Job must have been completed one month before
the date of examination.
Original/Attested photocopy of Computerised National Identity Card.
*All attesters must be one of the followings:*
1- Fellow of the College of Physicians & Surgeons Pakistan with his Fellowship Number.
2- Principal/Professor of PMDC approved Medical College/Postgraduate Medical Institute
Medical Superintendent / Head of the Medical Institutions
Scan the bank deposit fee and all the attested documents in pdf format then proceed to step II
*Step 2:*
Enter Form # generated and verification code generated in step 1.
Attach the required documents with the application and apply.
Note: All the documents are now sent online, nothing is deposited in CPSP regional office, but if you have bank draft then you have to submit it in the CPSP offices.
We Guarantee Success, clear Fcps-1 in first Attempt.
Now you can join our Classes Live Stream from anywhere, anytime using internet.
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